عالم الأهرام التعليمى

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

عزيزى الزائر/عزيزتى الزائرة

يرجى التكرم بتسجيل الدخول إذا كنت عضواً معنا أو التسجيل إذا لم تكن عضواً و تود الإنضمام لأسرة المنتدى و سنتشرف بتسجيلك

أسرة المنتدى


انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

عالم الأهرام التعليمى

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

عزيزى الزائر/عزيزتى الزائرة

يرجى التكرم بتسجيل الدخول إذا كنت عضواً معنا أو التسجيل إذا لم تكن عضواً و تود الإنضمام لأسرة المنتدى و سنتشرف بتسجيلك

أسرة المنتدى


عالم الأهرام التعليمى

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
عالم الأهرام التعليمى

منتدى يضم مدرسى مدرسة الأهرام الخاصة للتبادل العلمى و الثقافى بينهم و بين الطلاب

3 مشترك

    متحان مكون من 148سوال متنوع شاملالمنهج كله

    احمد محمد جابر 2010
    عضو مجتهد
    عضو مجتهد

    تاريخ التسجيل : 13/01/2011
    عدد المساهمات : 10
    نقاط : 23
    معدل التقدم معدل التقدم : 5

    متحان مكون من 148سوال متنوع شاملالمنهج كله Empty متحان مكون من 148سوال متنوع شاملالمنهج كله

    مُساهمة من طرف احمد محمد جابر 2010 الخميس 13 يناير 2011, 9:47 am

    Choose the correct answer from a, b or c:
    1. If you put wood in water, it ……………
    ( float – floated – will float)
    2. If we ……………… the bus, we won't be late for school.
    ( catch – go – make)
    3. if he runs fast, he ………………… early.
    ( arrive – arrived – will arrive)
    4. If you put wood in water, it will………….
    ( float – sink – sing )
    5. If you help me, I ………….. eat it.
    ( don't – won't – wouldn't)
    6. If you run, you …………. the bus .
    ( catch – will catch – caught )
    7. If you put ………….. in water, It will float.
    ( glass – wood – brick)
    8. If you put wood in water, it will ……………….
    ( float – floats – will float)
    9. If you don't eat ……………… food, you will be ill.
    ( too many – too much – enough )
    10. If you ………….. six by two, you will get twelve.
    ( multiply – add – divide )
    11. If you ………… five by five, you will get one.
    ( multiply – divide – take away)
    12. If you ……………. Six by five, You will get thirty.
    ( multiply – divide – add )
    13. If you put a piece of wood in water, it will …………..
    ( fly – float – sink )
    14. If you put ……………. In water, it will sink.
    ( glass – wood – paper )
    15. If you ………….. twelve by twelve, you will get sixty.
    ( divide – add – multiply )
    16. If you ………… thirty by five, you will get six.
    ( divide – add – multiply )
    17. If you ………….. twenty- six and fourteen, you will get forty.
    ( divide – multiply – add )
    18. If you put wood in water, it won't …………….
    ( sink – float -break )
    19. If we put a piece of wood in water, it will ………….
    ( sink – fly – break )
    20. If you put ………… in water, it will float.
    ( metal – wood – brick )
    21. If you put ………….. in water , it will float.
    ( glass – wood – brick )
    22. If you go to bed late, you ……… up late.
    ( will get – got – are getting )
    23. If you put a stone in water, it will ………….
    ( float – sink – think )
    24. If you …………… eighty by ten, you will get eight.
    ( divide – add – multiply )
    25. If you don't study you lessons, you ………… bad marks.
    ( will get – won't get – gets )
    26. If you eat too much, you will ……………….
    ( fat – is fat – be fat )
    __________________________________________________ __________
    Read and correct the underlined words:
    1. Ahmed Zwail was a famous scientist now.
    2. The first map of the world was draw by El-Idrissi.
    3. Ali enjoys play football.
    4. This water is two cold to drink.
    5. Doors are make of paper.
    6. Go straight on, and then turn write.
    7. Arabic and English are school games.
    8. Sara born in Cairo.
    9. Nora wants to eat a orange.
    10. I is a student.
    11. My uncle visited us next week.
    12. She red an interesting story.
    13. How many rice would you like ?
    14. The baker is the person which sells bread.
    15. He is tallest than his friend.
    16. I enjoy play football.
    17. It's half and twelve now.
    18. She was young , but she win the prize.
    19. We don't have some books today.
    20. Farmers are people which grow food.
    21. We can sea with our eyes.
    22. Would you like to visiting my town?
    23. How match rice have you got?
    24. October is the ten month of the year.
    25. This is the school which I learn.
    26. We went to school on car.
    27. I don't have some books.
    28. We shouldn't keep our environment clean.
    29. They visited Aswan two weeks before.
    30. I enjoy read English books.
    31. Helen Keller is able to read Braille.
    32. I'll got two ears.
    33. She doesn't have some sugar.
    34. I'm born in Cairo.
    35. If you put wood in water, they will float.
    36. I didn't have some water.
    37. Say when the sports hall is.
    38. She is too busy two watch TV.
    39. A mechanic is the person which fixes cars.
    40. He is ninety centimetres old.
    41. How many homework do you have?
    42. My mother was cooking when the film starts.
    43. English spell is not easy.
    44. They visited Egypt two years before.
    45. Tamer born in Tanta in 1993.
    46. Sara is tall and more beautiful than her sister.
    47. He's got too eyes.
    48. Chairs make of wood.
    49. I think she writing a letter now.
    50. Last year I am in primary six.
    51. The tea is enough sweet, I can't drink it.
    52. Marwa is married with Ali.
    53. She will arrive home at for in the afternoon.
    54. There are too much chairs in the class.
    55. Salwa will travel to Rome at for in the afternoon.
    56. Where did you met your friend?
    57. The plane is the faster vehicle.
    58. I got up in half past six.
    59. How many sugar do you need?
    60. Ali will arrive home at three hours in the afternoon.
    61. Maher is the tall pupil in the class.
    62. When Salwa was two, she can walk.
    63. We were sleeping where the accident happened.
    64. Mona is cleverest than her sister.
    65. We don't go to school at Friday.
    66. My holiday is in Friday.
    67. What does she do yesterday?
    68. She doesn't like this tea. There's so much sugar in it.
    69. Camels can live to the old of forty.
    70. My father is old than my mother.
    71. This water is two cold to drink.
    72. We didn't have some money.
    __________________________________________________ __________
    Read and correct the underlined words:
    1. They go to Luxor last month.
    2. What lessons has you got today?
    3. Salma is the taller one in our class.
    4. Helen became blind because she couldn't hear.
    5. He was reading a magazine when the phone ringing.
    6. I is a student.
    7. They haven't got some.
    8. It's half to seven.
    9. There are seven days in a weak.
    10. Helen Keller is able to read Braille.
    11. Tourists enjoy visited Egypt.
    12. He didn't have some water.
    13. I don't have some books.
    14. Samira is married with Ali.
    15. The science lab is in the second floor.
    16. Ali was borne in 1998.
    17. What's you're name?
    18. The train is fastest than the car.
    19. We will catch the bus on half past twelve.
    20. There are seventy days in a week.
    21. What does he do yesterday?
    22. Where was you yesterday?
    23. If we multiply three and five, we will get fifteen.
    24. The teacher is the person who learns.
    25. It's enough salty to eat.
    26. If you add two by two, you will get four.
    27. What lessons has you got today?
    28. This is the park who they go on holiday.
    29. I was reading a blouse.
    30. I'm fine sink you.
    31. We will arrive in Tuesday.
    32. I enjoy play football.
    33. Ahmed were born in Sohag.
    34. We can sea with our eyes.
    35. The girl fell off his bike.
    36. They are play football now.
    37. How many orange juice did you drink?
    38. We didn't have some water.
    39. She bought a pair of sock.
    __________________________________________________ _______
    Choose the correct answer :
    1. If you ………. hurry, you will be late.
    ( done – does – don't)
    2. If I ………… a watch, It will sink.
    ( put – will put – is put)
    3. If you go to bed late, you ……….. up late.
    ( got – will get – getting)
    4. If you put paper in water, it will ……………
    ( float – sink – speak)
    5. If you put ………………. in water, it will sink.
    ( wood – glass – paper)
    6. If we take five away ………… twenty , we will get fifteen.
    ( of – from – out)
    7. If you don't eat ………….. food , you will be ill.
    ( too many – too much – enough)
    8. If we put brick in water , it will …………..
    ( fly – float – sink)
    9. If you ………….. five by five, you will get one.
    ( divide – multiply – take away )

    10. If you ………… two and ten, you will get twelve.
    ( add – take away – divide by)
    11. If we put a brick in water, it will ……………..
    ( fly – float – sink

    تاريخ التسجيل : 18/05/2011
    الجنس : ذكر
    عدد المساهمات : 1
    نقاط : 3
    معدل التقدم معدل التقدم : 4

    متحان مكون من 148سوال متنوع شاملالمنهج كله Empty رد: متحان مكون من 148سوال متنوع شاملالمنهج كله

    مُساهمة من طرف AHMED HASANAIN الأربعاء 18 مايو 2011, 4:12 pm

    متحان مكون من 148سوال متنوع شاملالمنهج كله Up13057278182متحان مكون من 148سوال متنوع شاملالمنهج كله Up13057278181
    nano algohary

    تاريخ التسجيل : 23/04/2011
    الجنس : انثى
    عدد المساهمات : 3
    نقاط : 8
    معدل التقدم معدل التقدم : 7

    متحان مكون من 148سوال متنوع شاملالمنهج كله Empty رد: متحان مكون من 148سوال متنوع شاملالمنهج كله

    مُساهمة من طرف nano algohary السبت 24 ديسمبر 2011, 3:30 pm

    thank you for your effort

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